13:00 Welcome (Andreas Häberle and Tobias Hirsch)
Introduction of new participants
13:15 Subtasks A, B, C (approx. 25 min per subtask)
Subtask A: Integrated energy systems (Felix Pag, Ulrike Jordan)
Subtask B: Modularisation (Eduardo Zarza)
Subtask C: Simulation and design tools (José-Miguel Cardemil)
14:30 IRENA Cost Charts (Bärbel Epp)
14:50 Coffee break
15:00 Participation at EU Industry Week 2021 (Irene di Padua)
15:10 Subtasks D and E (approx. 25 min per subtask)
Subtask D: Standardization/Certification (Vassiliki Drosou)
Subtask E: Guideline to market (Peter Nitz, Jürgen Fluch)
16:00 End of the meeting